
Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

    Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

    Treatment of congestive heart failure CHF

    I- Overview of congestive heart failure CHF

    it is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the needs of the body
    it can be caused by
    impaired ability of the cardiac muscle to contract
    an increesed work load imposed on the heart

    CHF is accompanied by abnormal increase in blood volume and interstitial fluid
    the heart,veins,and capillaries therefore generally dilated with blood.Hence,the term (Congestive) heart failure

    Underlying causes of CHF

    arteriosclerotic heart disease
    dilated cardiomyopathy
    congential heart disease
    valvular heart disease
    left systolic dysfunction secondary to coronary artery disease is the most common cause of CHF

    The therapeutic goal for CHF is to increase cardiac output

    Three classes of drugs have been shown to be clinically effective
    in reducing symptoms and prolonging life

    Vasodilators: reduce the load on the myocardium

    Diuretic agents : decease extracellular fluid volume

    Inotropic agents : increase the strength of contraction of
    cardiac muscle

    these agents
    relieve the symptomps of cardiac insufficiency
    do not reverse the underlying pathologic condition

    Drugs that may preciptate or exacerbate CHF so should be
    avoided as possble

    non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs
    B blockers
    calcium ghannel blockers
    some antiarrythmic drugs

    II- Vasodilators

    In CHF,the impaired contractile function of the heart is exacerbated by compensatory increase in preload and afterload

    the volume of blood that fills the ventricle during diastole
    elevated preload causes overfilling of the heart which increases the work load
    the pressure that must overcome for the heart to pump blood into the arterial system
    elevated afterload cause the heart to work harder to pump
    blood into the arterial system

    Vasodilators are useful in reducing excessive preload and afterload as follow
    dilation of veinous blood vessels increases the venous capacitance by which a decrease in preload occurs
    arterial dilators reduce systemic arteriolar resistance by which a decrease in afterload occurs

    Classes of vasodilators

    A- Angiotensin convertizing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

    ex : captopril - lisinopril - enalapril

    Adverse effects

    postural hypotension
    renal insuffeciency
    persistant dry cough
    should not be used in pregnant women

    B - Direct smooth muscle relaxants

    ex: hydrazaline - isosorbide - sodium nitroprusside

    III - Diuretics

    ex : bumetanide - furosemide - hydrochlorothiazide

    relieve pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema
    useful in reducing the symptoms of volume overload
    Thiazide diuretics are relatively mild diuretics and lose efficacy if patient creatinine clearance is less than 50 ml/min
    Loop diuretics are used in patients with renal insuffiency
    Overdoses of loop diuretics can lead to profound hypovolemia

    IV- Inotropic agents

    positive inotropic agents enhance cardiac muscle contractility
    and increase cardiac output

    although these drugs act by different mechanisms ,in each case the inotropic action is the result of an increased cytoplasmic calcium concentration that enhances the contractility of the cardiac muscle

    A-Cardiac glycosides(Digitalis)=digoxin &digitoxin

    digoxin(lanoxin) is the most widely used agent

    Therapeutic uses

    digoxin is indicated in patients with severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction after initiation of diuretic and vasodilation therapy
    not indicated in patient with diastolic or right sided heart failure
    patients with mild to moderate heart failure will often respond to treatment with ACE inhibitors and diuretics and do not require digoxin

    N.B. The digitalis glycosides show only a small difference between a therapeutically effective dose and doses that are toxic or even fatal i.e. have low therapeutic index

    Factors predisposing to digitalis toxicity

    a) Electrolytic disturbances

    hypokalemia can preciptate serious arrythmia
    reduction of serum K levels is most frequently observed in patients receiving thiazide or loop diuretics
    hypokalemia can be usually prevented by use of a K sparing diuretics or supplementation with potassium chloride
    hypercalcemia and hypomagnesemia also predispose to digitalis toxicity


    Quinidine : can cause digitalis toxicity by
    displacing digitalis from plasma protein binding sites
    competing with digitalis for renal excretion
    Verpamil(isoptin) : displace digitalis from( PPBS) and can increase digoxin levels by 50 to 75% which may require a reduction in the dose of digoxin


    potassium depleting diuretics
    renal failure

    B- B adrenergic agonists

    ex : dobutamine

    improves cardiac performance by both
    positive inotropic effects

    must be given by I.V. infusion and is primarily used in the
    treatment of acute heart failure in hospital setting

    C- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors : not used clinically

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